The Sixth Song of the Elf Lords

with translations into Common
by Robard Abernathes

Song 6: The Song of Lords
The Ere of All gathered
the servants of his court before him.
Among those that gathered
were seven in number.
Baere, Moradin, Llordein,
Yonalla, Grimgoren, and Drasch.
One more was also among them,
but his name is no longer spoken.
So it was, that mighty Ere of All
chartered each of them to consider
what they might do in his place
to people Erenth and to fill it.
For the Ere of All desired a steward
that might care for his world.
He wanted a people
who might serve and tend
and thus show it before all of Erenes
as the realization of his greatest work.
And he whose name is not spoken
was exceedingly wroth,
for long had he imagined that Erenth
would be a gift that must pass to him
and to the other Aenir
among whom he imagined he had no equal.
He nursed his foul illness
in the depths of his own blackened heart
and he vowed that Erenth
would know no other master
without also knowing strife and discord.

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