The Seventh Song of the Elf Lords

with translations into Common
by Robard Abernathes

Song 7: The Song of the Sons of the Aenir
To honor the Ere of All,
Llordein fashioned the Faere,
who love knowledge and music
and gaze into the embers of night.
Baere fashioned the Entwe,
those which think long, move little, and love silence.
Moradin fashioned the race of Dwenir,
who love industry and are masters of working in metals.
Yomallor fashioned the Holbyt,
who love the very face of Erenth
and are master of the things which grow upon it.
Grimgoren fashioned Gnummor
who love tools and devices of many sorts.
Drasch fashioned the Vyrum
who have great strength and are masters of many forms.
Finally, he
whose name is no longer spoken
brought forth the Urok
who were fearless and clever,
yet full of guile.
So it was that Erenth was complete
and filled with the many things
that both the Ere of All
and his servants had made,
but Ere was unsatisfied
with the creatures of his vassal lords
and announced that in time
he would bring forth
another race of people,
his Master Work, the Hunamir,
to teach all the others
and to care for his world.

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