The Eighth Song of the Elf Lords

with translations into Common
by Robard Abernathes

Song 8: The Song of Lament
So came the time
when he whose name is not spoken
rose among his peers
and petitioned the Ere of All
"How is it that you
demanded much and gave little?
Grant you,
that the people of our fashioning
be given the chance
to prove themselves in your sight,
or else to give surety
for your deep discontent."
So the Ere of All
granted the Great Petition,
but in secret,
the unfaithful servant sowed
strife and discord.
He stirred all
the children of the Aenir
to follow his Urok into war.
Violence without respite
were the result and there was much death
without ceasing.
So he whose name is not spoken
was banished from the court
of the Aenir and forced
to tend the forge that burns
with unquenchable fire.
The children of the Urok
persist still
and are called goblins by many.
To this day, their kind
believe that they are the rightful kings
and lords over Erenth and do all
in their power to attain their former glory
or else to sow strife and discord
across the known world.
It is their curse to hide
from the light of day
and to be blinded by the labor
of their sire’s debasing.

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