The Ninth Song of the Elf Lords

with translations into Common
by Robard Abernathes

Song 9: The Song of the Jotnar
The whole face of Erenth
was discord and strife
in the time of the Urok.
So the Ere of All
called to Baere to waken the host of Aenirasa 
which had come into Erenth
to be deliverers of his justice
upon its face.
They were to visit wrath
upon the Urok and upon those
that followed them.
So it was that the Urok were driven
to the Accursed Place and banished.
Those servants who were awakened
were called the Jotnar 
for they were sent out with consuming fury.
When all was aright
the Jotnar went to the far corners of Erenth
and made names for themselves and
came to be called Giants
among all the children which dwelled with them.
So the Justice of the Giants was over,
and the Ere of All
again gathered his servants before him.
He bid that each servant should give
pre-eminence to their children in turn.
That all the children of the Aenir might
each have opportunity
to fulfill the Great Petition,
to prove themselves and their creations
in the sight of the Ere of All,
or else give surety of his discontent.
And it was Baere alone who spoke saying,
“Fain would I seek that which brings more destruction.”
So the Ere of All said,
“Nevertheless your children
shall rule the times between times
and rise with every falling
until the coming of the very end.”

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