The Five Epochs of the Vyrum, 4th Epoch

4th Epoch: The Matriarchy (2973 ey - 3000 ey)
This epoch was marked by the Great Civil War which engulfed the matriarchy.

Three noble ladies, Tiamet, Praextoria, and Berylia, managed to throw down their rivals and assert themselves as a triumvirate of queens. But among them there was betrayal and sacrilege. In the end, only Tiamet held power. She declared the end of the diarchies and asserted herself as the Queen Mother of All Erenth. Under her rule was peace once more, but also a great sacrilege. In gathering her power she had instituted the practice of cannibalism. 

Lord Drasch was exceedingly angry for what the Vyrum had done. So he cursed the remaining Vyrum and called out to heaven to bring vengeance. The remaining armies made war against the Titans of Heaven, but did not prevail. All of the Besnir were defeated and those still loyal to Tiamet were led away in chains. 

Under the curse of Drasch, the remaining Vyrum became great scaled beasts. Their very visages inspired fear among their former subjects, many of whom drove them into exile, taking their Alds and domains. Therefore the children of the Vyrum, though long-lived, lost their immortality and knew at last what it was to live for a fixed time upon the face of Erenth.

The Time of Strife has been called the War of Four Nations for it involved Northrun, Southrun, Eastrun, and Westrun and many of the races. Revenge and recriminations were waged and entire peoples were destroyed. In this time, the greatest of all heroes was born. He was Prince Ionitoreon, called Io the Great, of the House Shardis.

Though Io the Great was changed as the other Princes had been, he loved justice and sought to win peace once more. One by one he gained the loyalty of all the princes of all the peoples and houses of Erenth. He became the Dragon Emperor of all the known world. But, he contended always with the Faction of Tiamet and the Cult she would inspire, until he was assassinated and was consumed. 

Civilization was at last shattered and the cities unmade. The monuments of the former glory of the Pax Vyruma were cast down. It was said that no stone remained atop another. And all the world fell into the Dark Epoch.

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