The Five Epochs of the Vyrum, 5th Epoch

5th Epoch: The Darkness (3010 ey - 3300 ey)
During the Dark Epoch architecture was forgotten and art was forsaken. Each of the peoples ruled themselves as they might. Each avoided one another, keeping the borders of the Lands and Provinces as the Vyrum had marked them.

Into this time of darkness came those who are now called humans. They were like children and brutish in those days. They had no skill at farming nor at the making of tools, nor of the crafting of weapons, nor of the bending of Llor. They had neither culture nor civilization, but lived as herd animals upon the plains. Yet, for all that they lacked, Erenth marveled at their fecundity. For it seemed wherever this young race settled that the screaming of children were heard, year after year until their numbers were greater than all the other races combined.

Some of the elder races sought to teach the humans what they lacked. This they did in penance for their failures. The humans appeared to be ready, if ungrateful, pupils and learned quickly from the elders. In light of this many of the learned believed that the Sixth Age had come to an end and the Seventh Age was beginning.

But among the dispersed Vyrum came those who called themselves the Chromos Nesting. They blamed the humans for the loss of the greatest age the world had known. Among them was Chronepsis the Dark. He rallied the dragons about him and sought to destroy the humans outright. He wanted to remove them as a blight from the face of all Erenth, and only those remnant of Metalos Nesting withstood him. And it came to pass that the Great Internesting was waged.

In these two decades of War, great heroes among the Besnir and humans arose, fighting alongside of the Metalos. Dragons of renown fought and died, some heroes others scoundrels. These were called:
  • Bahamut the Goodly Wise
  • Aasterinian, mistress of play, invention and pleasure -- the herald of Io the Great
  • Hlaloreon called Hlal the Bard
  • Tamara Lightgiver
  • Lendys the Judge.
  • Astilabor the Hording
  • Chronepsis the Dark
  • Faluzure the Deathless
  • Garyx of the Flame
  • Sardior of Oplios
When the war was at an end. The Chromos Nesting was fallen. None remained that called themselves noble or Prince. Few of any Vyrum were left alive. Those that remained hid themselves from the other races, and especially from humans, and so they remain until this day.

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