and translated by Proval Gemglitter
The Rise of Many Pretenders and the Time of Chaos
the Third of Wars had run its course, Baere again rose and her Entwe
spread across the face of Erenth and ruled until they were beguiled to sleep by the coming of the Hunters. The Hunters are named Elves in the new tongue. These people were Children of Corellon Larethian, called by his people, the Llordein. These people also sought the wisdom of the Lod. For the Hunters remembered the life of Garl of old and of Arumdina his adze. They remembered that Arumdina had been bound to a Gonom and this sort of knowledge they wanted for their own. But the Lod saw only madness in their plans and kept their own counsel over the many years.
The Hunters would not be still, however. They made disturbances across Erenth and chained many of the Gonom. They sought power over the making of Grimgoren himself. They sought power over fire and water, air and earth. They unmade the straps and buckles which are hidden from the eye and constrain the world which is seen.
The Fourth of Wars
Thus their unmaking kindled war with the Laborers, with whom they still have trouble to this day. Madness took the Hunters and Laborers alike and so the Fourth of Wars was come and did not end until Baere rose from her slumber and tamed all beneath her.
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