The Five Epochs of the Vyrum, 3rd Epoch

3rd Epoch: The Principalities (2954 ey - 2972 ey)

The 3rd Epoch dawned with the rise of the Old Ones and the War of the Deep. The republic shattered into individual principalities. 

By unknown means, great powers were released from the depths of Erenth. These were beings of inestimable strength that time had forgotten. They strode across Erenth and flattened its inhabitations, destroying all who opposed them. 

It was the Vyrum cavaliers who led the defense and these were joined by their lords and princes. After a long and valiant struggle, each of the Old Ones were eventually thrown down -- being either slain, or imprisoned once again. However glorious the victory, it had come at great cost. Many Vyrum lost their lives and those few remaining were slain at the Battle of the Dry Rift.

With the loss of their grandest and mightiest, the old order of civilization was imperiled. Even the human Meni outnumbered the remaining Vyrum and few remained of any noble blood. Then by mutual agreement the surviving mothers and wives of the Vyrum nobles took the reins of power from their fallen sons. 

1 comment:

  1. "This the horrified Berylia would not do, so Praextoria turned to the princes attending and invited them to set upon the flesh of Praextoria."

    Tiamet turned**
