All parties agree that the Church of Westrun is the successor of the Temple of the Ten Divines.
To this document, we afix our signatures and bind all our loyal subjects.
Notwithstanding the aims, documents, canons and faiths of man and of the Besnir alike; nothing in any of them shall be construed to apply across the known races: including Humans, Els (elves), Stoneborn (dwarves), Lod (gnomes), Hoflin (halflings). For this reason no proselytizing will occur between races, nor converts accepted from races alien to them. No religious strictures shall be imposed by one race upon the other, nor shall blessings and prayers be offered (for good or ill) upon one race by another, unless they be expressly sought by an individual in question.
In the matter of deaths and burial, it is agreed that remains of those deceased entrusted to the clergy of any race, will be returned to the nearest Holy Ground of relevance, in the most expeditious manner possible.
To this document, we afix our signatures and bind all our loyal subjects.
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