
A Ranger is neither a constable nor a legionary. He fits no other category of lawman nor soldier. He is a product of sheer necessity, born of the goblin wars and nurtured by the knowledge of the curates. He was commissioned by the King of Menea to hunt goblinkind and patrol the frontier. While that king intended that there would be just 100 of him, it would be years before they could boast that strength, and years later that they exceeded it.

In those days, the life expectancy of a Ranger was notoriously short. The average age of the Ranger, even given their founder's advanced age was just 19 years old. None expected to live to see 25 and those expectations were well-founded. While hundreds of young men had heard the call and responded, their continuous sacrifices kept their numbers around 50-60 strong for many years.

The Rangers were provided nothing in way of weapons, armor or steeds. They were not supported by the crown, but expected to take their payment from the hostiles they encountered. They were not given food nor supplies, but relied on their ability to hunt and forage.

From that day until this, they have had neither uniform nor patron. There is no rank structure and little visible discipline. Their clothing is haphazard and functional. There weapons are found or forged and unique to the man. 

There is no nobility that can demand their allegiance. They respect only the leaders that have risen spontaneously from among them. Theirs is a system of pure merit.

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