Located in the Kingdom of Balduren in the Land of Westrun, the City of Balduren is the capital city of Balduren and the home of the Ancient Council of Marchmasters, permanent advisors to Balduren's monarchs.
The fields around the city are notable for their unplowed and fallow look. They are filled only with the coarse wind-swept grass that Balduren's horses and buffaloes find appetizing but upon which little else can successfully feed. These two animals are the only livestock Balduren knows and while its buffalo is considered a delicacy to locals only, its horses are in high demand everywhere.
The city is built on a narrow peninsula about 10 miles wide, that juts southward into the Great Sea. It is renown for its massive 200 foot walls beyond which it is impossible to see, even from a great distance. The only recognizable features from without the city are the nine towers, each of which is built in the semblance of a massive horse. It is a port city, but the twin harbors (East and West) are offered no protection from the city's defenses. Two brick-lined roads -- the only paved roads in all of Balduren -- lead from the harbors to the Southern-most gate of the city.
Balduren is a port city, from which many set sail to Southrun taking the Crescent Route. Though the city is held in high esteem by the people of that land, for most civilized people it is peculiar place. Is churches seems strange, its mores are harsh and its people unforgiving.
It boasts some 60,000 residents, and is the home of the Great King Belasarus and Drawmij the wizard.
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