The Third Volume of the Complete Treatment of the Magnificent Dracones

duly researched and set forth

by J.S. Elias Methustos esq.
author, traveler, raconteur, historian, geographer, sage, and
individual of many personal heroic virtues and handsome aspect.

compiled and edited by ET Daniels from the original manuscripts

[Editor's Introduction: This third volume is the best example of what any sage on the subject has to say about the stratification and types of Dragons. Again, J.S. Elias Methustos, shows a high level of immersion in his subject matter, which must have come to him at great personal risk, if nothing else.]
The Dracones are an ancient, noble, and winged race often misapprehended as reptilian. The wisest among the intelligent species know and fear them for their impressive size, towering intellect, unmatched physical prowess, and peerless magical abilities. The oldest Dracones still alive are among the most powerful creatures in Erenth. Many still alive were born before the Recompense and thus enjoy their natural immortality.
[Editor's Note: The claims of the Dragons to be immortal have never been substantiated. If Methustos had met any, we would have been greatly served by having more than a mere aside thrown at the notion. Most sages today consider that immortality is a physiological impossibility.]
Although the practice is beyond foolish, it has nonetheless become standard practice to group the Dracones by the coloring of their beautiful scales. This volume, and indeed the rest of my work does not do so, but will follow the taxonomy system I consider more appropriate, following the approximation of the genealogies of old, where ever possible.

The First Geniture
Celestial - Astral
The Second Geniture
The Third Geniture
The Fourth Geniture
It must be said that there are many, many known subspecies of Dracones, and that each of them falls into one of the Four Major Genitures of their kind. Each successive Geniture is further and further removed from the purity of that original race, until the Fourth which is comprised of Browns, among others, which many don't consider to even be proper Dracones.

The most commonly known Dracones of Erenth belong to the Second Geniture and include chromatic, gem, and metallics, among others. Chromatics include black, blue, green, red, and white Dracones; all are ill-tempered and given to somewhat malicious acts. The metallics are the brass, bronze, copper, gold, and silver Dracones; these are noble and good, highly respected by all wise people. The gem Dracones are the amethyst, crystal, emerald, sapphire, and topazes; they are neutral with respect to good and evil, and are very charismatic and suave. They are considered masters of persuasion who delight in riddles. Though generally smaller and slower than other Dracones, gems are usually wiser and more intelligent, and have roguish good looks to compensate for whatever physical might they are thought to lack.

Although all subspecies of Dracones are known to have come from the same roots tens of thousands of years ago, the present subspecies keep to themselves, working together only under extreme circumstances, such as a powerful mutual threat. Metallics are never able to work with Chromatics Dracones, however, Gems will often work with either. Golds occasionally associate freely with silvers, and emeralds are sometimes found with sapphires.

When Chromatics of different species encounter each other, they usually fight to protect their territories. While Metallics of different subspecies are more tolerant of each other, they are also very territorial. They usually try to work out differences in a peaceful manner. Gems often settle inter-species disputes in a more civilized and congenial manner -- with riddling contests, for example.

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