Located in the Kingdom of Bolden in the Land of Westrun, Bolden is the capital city of that Kingdom and the domain seat of the King.
Bolden is often called the gateway to Northrun, though the wall lays some three days travel to the North. It is surrounded by fields of squash and beans, but also for its vast dairy herds and fields of planted feed oats. Bolden is a well-known market for milk, yogurt and cheeses, but also for squash and beans. To a lesser degree it is known for its lobster and crab fisheries.
The city is home to 40,000 citizens, it sits upon the highest of the Six Sisters -- large man-made hills whose origins have been obscured by history. It is like a stone rectangular crown upon that hill, which overlooks the wide slow-moving river that leads through the city's port and out to the sea.
Bolden is a port city and the last stop before one sets sail for the Free Provinces, or for Eastrun. It is not uncommon to see people of Northrun extraction there.
It is home to the Geldorf family of old, including Wallace Geldorf, cousin to the High King who is the current regent of Bolden. It is also home to Serten the wizard. Sages Harafir, Khaherdin, and others.
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