Wanderhalt is located in the Kingdom of Collonia in the Land of Westrun. It is the capital of Collonia and the domain seat of the kingdoms monarch.
It is the "Last City" in the Eight Kingdoms and perched on the very edge of the Outlands, surrounded by great fields of maize which provide food to men and livestock across the known world. It is also home to massive sand dunes left over from some ancient evaporated inland sea. These dunes provide the raw material for Wanderhalt's unique and most expensive export -- stained glass.
Physically, the city is large and imposing. Boasting some 50,000 residents and surrounded by a massive octogonal wall. A large castle, and two immense towers are located within the city limits, all three buildings are outfitted with glittering and resplendent glass windows which can be seen and admired for miles.
Wanderhalt itself is an adventurer's paradise. Men and demi-humans, of every stripe can be found within it's walls enjoying its protections and bringing their various goods and services to markets.
Its most famous residents are King Rigel and the Wizards Von Gasik and Fritoss.
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