The Gnummoren Epic Part 2

as set forth in the Caver Enscriptions 
and translated by Proval Gemglitter

The Second of Wars
After the Urmen had been exiled and the Furies departed, Baere the Wild was free to sow her chaos upon Erenth. Walking trees rose in the Vale of Plenty and all trembled before their cruel and mindless dictates. For these were creatures that would not listen to reason, nor be troubled with wise counsel. They were harsh masters but they did, at least, keep the Urmen at bay. And the walking trees ruled over all until the rise of the Hobbit.

Now the Hobbit were a carefree people who were given to mindless toil. They could not be convinced of the danger of the exiles and so those savages were ignored and allowed once again to rise. They again made strife in the Vale of Plenty, until The Second of Wars. So savage were they that all the Vale was scorched. Razing an burning the Urmen came, driving all before the flames of their destruction. Finally, the war was ended by the craft of the Lod and the alliance that they built. This alliance of Laborers, Hunters, and Wurem halted the Urmen and sent them again into exile.

So the rule of the Hobbit ended as it began. There was a great quiet and slowly the chaos of Baere and all her minions was allowed to assert itself unchecked.

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