The Gnummoren Epic Part 3

as set forth in the Caver Enscriptions 
and translated by Proval Gemglitter

The Farmers of Old and the Making of the Plow
Now in those days, the plants came up from the ground wherever they might, for no one had taken to making good rows and to loosening the soil. Seeds grew where they were strewn and even in the Vale of Plenty, Erenth could be an unyielding thing. The Farmers of Old, knew the way of plants, but not the way of making them large and hearty. So they came to the Lod and begged for a tool which might cause the soil to give way.

So because they were besought, the Lod made the plow. The plow was first dragged by all who planted, but in time came to be fashioned so that animals might be yoked to it. In this yoking certain animals found the delight of their natures, which is to labor without thought. Then the Lod made the needle and the thread by which clothing was made from skins of animals and the sinew of plants. Then the Farmers and the other large races were pleased with these contraptions and lauded the Lod roundly saying, "Become like Kings for us and teach us to find the delight of our natures, just as you have with the beasts, for we lack your great intellect and craft."

Garl Glittergold and Arumdina his Adze
When the other races came to the Lod, begging that the people should be like masters to all, at first the Lod would not agree. For while their thoughts and plans were greater than the others combined, they are naturally shy and do not like to boast. But the large people would not cease begging. So eventually, the Lod relented.

Grimgoren himself appointed a Lawspeaker to say, "Deprive not those who need you, for this is my command and the will of the Unknown." Then the Lod held a contest of skill and selected the winner, Garl Glittergold, to be the Master among all the people of all races in the Vale of Plenty. For he had made the greatest of contraptions, about which much more can be said later. Garl was a great thinker and he was a hero of the First of Wars besides.

So Garl Glittergold was the first and greatest of his people. He was kind and sought by all for his wisdom, but he was also blessed with a desire to laugh which brought joy to all who heard it. He was also rich in merrymaking and mischief making which was appreciated by all who became his victims. Garl was a beautiful person. His nose was large and decorous. It was said of him that the sun had blazed his skin to a near golden hue. Some claimed that his eyes were like sapphires that turned emeralds when he laughed, but like rubies when he was angry. And he loved all the races, young and old alike, for he loved harmony and togetherness. But for the Lod he had an especial pride that surpassed that which he held for any other. For the company of Lod is still greatly to be preferred over others for its rigor and its humor, and its congenial mood.

Now the greatest workmanship of Garl was his mighty two sided stone adze, which he named Arumdina -- "Companion of the Hand" in the new tongue. It was made from stone, but Garl had affixed within it a Gonom and so was a thing of great power. The adze was kept ever at his hand and by its nature was able to speak and reason. With it, Garl could hue earth, shape timber and even cut gems. The handle of Arumdina was set about with all manner of precious stones as befitted its nature. It is well remembered as capable of great mischief on its own, about which many tales are still told.

Gelf Darkhearth and the Killing of Garl Glittergold
Gelf Darkhearth was the brother of Garl Glittergold and very wise. He was the second of fashioners for he had discovered the power of the black sand which is useful for unmaking of all things that others had wrought. Though his power was considerable, he was considered the lesser brother for the power of unmaking is not to be considered equal to the power of making..

For this cause, Gelf was exceedingly jealous of Garl and attempted to unmake Arumdina the adze. In the resulting explosion, Garl was killed and thus Gelf was banished from the company of the Lod forever. To this day, it is said that he longs to return to their hearths. Since he cannot, he contents himself with the ruination of what he cannot have. Some have said that he died and being far from Arvanaith, was unable to join it. Thus he supposedly wanders the world still seeking the chance to unmake what he can.

Baerven the Wild and the Great Commission 
Baervan the Wild Wanderer is considered the the patron of woodland Lod and protecter of the forests. He and his raccoon familiar were again and again sent out by Garl. For it was his task to be a maker of maps though he also spent much time at pranks and laughter. One night he made a wager with Garl that he could walk the face of Erenth, from one side to the other without ever wetting his feet by the Sea. And so, Baerven had many adventures in fulfilling this wager and entire books could be written of them. Since Baerven is of those Lod which know not death, save by being slain, some say that he is still alive to this day.

Callarduran Smoothhands and the Gonom
Callarduran was the successor of Garl and the Master in his time. It was he that learned to tame the Gonom which had come to Erenth before the Lod and the other large races. The Gonom lived as part of this world, though they were truly of the hearth of the Servants of the Unknown. It was Callarduran that found the Two and Twenty Stones. He made of them a token for the Hearth of the Lod. And this token was eventually lost with the coming of the Laborers, which is to say Dwarves, in the speech of today. Callarduran the Master was slain by the Giant of the Rock but his body did not suffer corruption. For it was spirited away by the Lod and taken to its place of rest.

Flandal the First, called Bronzeskin 
Flandal followed Callarduran as the Master of All. From his craft, the Lod made great advances in the smelting of ores and the development of copper alloys like brass and especially bronze. Flandal is still sought as the patron of metallurgists. He was known for his uncommon strength and his ability to work metal without tiring. It was he which set the Two and Twenty Stones into the Crown of Creation and wore it upon his brow so that all might see the tokens of the Hearth and behold the glory of the Unknown and his greatest servant, Grimgoren. This Crown was to be his undoing, for when it was placed upon his head he became enamored of other things and other places. So one day he lay aside his crown and abdicated his role as Master.

Segojan Dirtcaller and the Golems
Under the watch of Flandal the First, Segojan was the greatest of scholars and the distiller of Essences. The Tale of the Stone Golem is well known among our people, but he was also skilled at the animation of many lifeless things such as earth, clay, wood and even the flesh of those that were slain. It was he that taught the burrowing things to speak and from them they have the language Borish to this day. Some allow that Segojan has never perished and still tunnels across Erenth as ever in the days of old.

Urdlen Taskmaster, his Folly and the Ransom of the Winter Solstice
Urdlen was the fourth Master. He came after Flandal. He was the inheritor of the Crown of Creation fashioned with the Two and Twenty Stones under the craftsmanship of Flandal the First. He was the last of his line before the Fellset Night.

He was the lesser son of greater sires, for he was the first of those born with the Heartless Gnawing. None until Urdlen had any so suffered. Urdlen was a brilliant contraptionist and a skilled linguist who could have been remembered as fondly as Flandal Bronzeskin, Calladuran Smoothands, and Garl Glittergold, but for his affliction. For it sets within all those who suffer from it a great hunger for jewels and gems of every sort.

So taken was Urdlen with this hunger that he sought laborers for digging deeply into Erenth, and enslaved many for that task. Many, but not all, of the Lod were deceived and practiced this slavery. The large races were also complicit, for they brought slaves to the Lod to buy their contraptions. Thus, to appease the Heartless Gnawing, the Lod sent great shafts into the walls that held back the water of the raging seas. Until, with a great shaking, the walls gave way and all of the Vale of Plenty was flooded.

Now Baerven the Wanderer had returned from his travels, and brought with him the knowledge of the walls and of Erenth beyond the Vale of Plenty. It was he that discovered that Stairway and taught of it to the Lod and all who would listen. Thus the Lod and many of the larger races fled the destruction that was coming.

Now it must be understood that the Lod were not filled with anger or hatred of the Hobbit, but they were instead infected with the Heartless Gnawing and their actions must be understood in the light of the knowledge of that terrible disease. The lash to this day is called Urdlen's Tool and though it is not used by any civilized people, save in the treatment of animals after their natures, the crack of that lash is said to be laughter of Urdlen himself.

Grimgoren was not pleased with the rule of Urdlen, nor with the Lod altogether. So he gave unto them the kiss of death -- for prior to that none had died except that they be killed by violence. The Lod were greatly angered by this kiss and in their anger, they drew Urdlen and hung him until he was dead. His body was left behind in the Vale of Plenty and remembered no more, forever.

Now following the Folly of Urdlen, the Hobbit hid himself from the face of Erenth. To this day that people is seldom seen. In propitiation of Urdlen's Folly, Grimgoren instituted the Tribute of the Winter Solstice. So that tradition is followed to this day, by each hearth and home.

Nevertheless, the time of the Lod had passed, and because with it disappeared the Vale of Plenty, so the Lod, the greatest of all the races, ended the office of the Master and handed the Crown of Creation to Grimgoren's brother who is called Moradin. Thus came the Fellset Night which is remembered among all the people as a time of great mourning and weeping. From that day forth, Moradin had the right to wear the Crown of Creation and to give it to whomever he pleased.

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