The Gnummoren Epic Part 4

as set forth in the Caver Enscriptions 
and translated by Proval Gemglitter

The Rise of the Entwe and Khol called Stonedigger
For many long years after the Lod, there were none who were able to properly rule Erenth. The Vale of Plenty was lost and Erenth beyond was an inhospitable place and wild. The use of contraptions was lost to many, but the Lod were not appointed anymore to teach and could not save civilization. The great forges of the Laborers had not yet been kindled and they did not wear the Crown of Creation, though it belonged to them properly through Moradin their Lord.

So Baere, the wild sister of both Grimgoren and Moradin was free to sow her chaos upon the face of Erenth. This chaos came in the form of great forests which reached to the sky and grasslands which were greater in height than even the tallest of the large races. She appointed shepherds also, protectors of all that grew, though the things that grew moved little. The Shepherds were called the Entwe. Like trees they were, but trees which had knowledge of words and the ability to stride across great distances. They were cruel Masters and powerful. They forbid the burning of wood -- even that which had fallen of its own.

To this age came Khol, a craftsman of note and a contraptionist of reknown. It was he that rekindled the Hearths of the Lod though it was forbidden to do so with wood. And when the Entwe came to him, for they saw the rising of smoke which was seen above their trees they demanded his life in return for the wood which they supposed he had burned. But Khol laughed at them and said, "See for yourselves that I burn not the trees, but these black stones. My hearth is kindled with that which does not grow in the sunlight, but hides in the depths of Erenth."

So the Entwe were pleased and suffered the craftsmanship of the Lod to continue until the end of the age. When the Entwe receded upon Erenth the injunction against the burning of wood eventually failed. But the burning of Khol Stone made for hotter fires than that which was kindled by wood, so it continued for the making of metals. Thus the craftsmanship of metals grew greatly and the secret of iron was discovered -- which is exceedingly strong and not easily melted.

Flandal the Second, called Steelskin, and the Third of Wars
With the coming of the age of the Laborers, the Lod continued their quest for knowledge and improved their skill at contraptions and were still considered linguists and engineers of note -- just as they are to this day. Because of Khol's stone and their working in iron, there was still great friendship and comity between the Lod and the Laborers.

Now Flandal the Second was of no relation to the First, but was called after him for he also had skill at metal work. As the Chief Craftsman of the Laborer King Dumathoin he heated the kings furnaces and brought with him the discovery of iron. Under his tutelage those Laborer craftsmen became miners of note and also became exceedingly great in the working of stone and the shaping of metals, but they had not the eye for gemstones and understood them not at all. For Gemstones are not so easily shaped by brute strength and require a keener eye than the Children of Moradin possess by their nature.

Nevertheless, their working in metals grew great and their knowledge of iron was second to none. So Flandal the Second along with a younger son of Dumathoin named Dugmarthoin and sometimes called the Betrayer, discovered the secret of the Warring Alloy which is called steel in the new tongue. Of this steel new things were made which were great for the making of tools and of armor, and eventually of weapons.

There was yet another ore that was discovered, which required the mighty furnaces of the Laborers to extract. So Flandal dwelt among them and lived as one of them might. This ore was called the Light Metal, or Methryl in the language of the elders. Yet Flandel Steelskin passed from this world before he could hand the secret of the Methryl to his people, and the Laborers would share it not. Dumathoin was a jealous king and believed that the knowledge of it belonged to his people alone. This was the cause of the Ore Schism for which reason the Lod will seldom keep company with the Laborers and is still the first cause of some discomfort between our peoples today.

After the Lod withdrew there was great trouble for the Laborers. For they could not administer Erenth without the skill and wisdom of their betters. They are given to might, after their natures, and not all things require strength of arm. Sadly, this lesson was lost on them and eventually all the Children of Erenth chaffed under their rule and rebelled. So the Warring Alloy was used to spill blood and the Third of Wars had come and many imagined that it would not end. Many of the large races sought the wisdom of the Lod in the making of weapons, but the Lod hid from all.

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