To the Lords Continous, and the Order of the Unceasing Circle
From your apostle of apathy, called Scot of Tols
Regarding a report of my learnings
Carried by a feathered friend for your august eyes alone.
I have received word that you wish to recall me, but my time apart from you has been more useful than you might assume. I have learned much about Magic and about Erenth's wizards and about the so-called Magisters of Westrun. I will share what I know with you and save the speculation until I have proof. I hope that your decision to have me return will be stayed by this letter. I have more to learn and hope to follow this communication with with other, more detailed, missives. Much of this will not come as news to you as it did to me, but I will relate all to help keep it straight in my mind.
Among the sages best versed in history, it is known that what is called Majk by the Dwarves and Llor by the Elves was not discovered by the humans in some accidental manner, but rather, was introduced to them most treacherously. For though Llor Song was the province of the Elves in the Fifth Age and was foresworn by them after the Calamity, it did not disappear from the world.
The Elven race is quite proud and while they collectively agreed to leave aside the study of magical spells, nonetheless found themselves individually unable to do so. Each king of the Elves retained a learned Llor master or two, for purely defensive purposes, though their own treaties assured one another that this would not be so. So the knowledge did not perish from the world and simply went underground and bided its time.
During the lamentable rise of Selazzyne the Dark Elf in 3480 she undertook a program to teach her own knowledge of Llor to the willing of men. While this seems to be at odds with her intent to exterminate the Younger Race, I have found some evidence that she taught humankind the secrets of Llor as just another means of furthering her loathsome machinations. Perhaps by doing so she hoped to have her people see all humanity as a threat. Regardless, this awakened in them the thirst for that hidden knowledge. That thirst has not abated to this day and has led to their endless grasping for the forbidden power. We have all noted that neither persons, nor beasts, nor elements are safe from those who would use the power.
Lest you think this a mere slander, I have proof in the writings of her own hand. For I have come upon a partial manuscript of the first spell book of one called Arepos -- the first wizard known among men. I shall present it to you by and by, but it shows unmistakeably that Arepos was not only the first of the wizards, but the progenitor of many others.
There is another matter. For centuries it has been rumored that some secret society of the most powerful wizards must exist. It is the nature of men to organize themselves into factions and groups. Arepos is believed to have had 13 students, each which became a formidable wizard in his own right, and each which had students of their own. While wizards are often greedy, selfish and reclusive, they nonetheless must have some means for transmitting knowledge. Plus, for many long years they have acted, if not in concert, then certainly without being at direct odds with one another. Certainly the effectiveness of the High King's Censure owes itself to something more powerful than the mere edict of the current occupant of the throne in Peakshadow.
I have heard more than whisperings of an order to rival our own. I believe it was built as as a mockery of it. Where we are pledged to the Continuity of the Circle, these Solomonari are committed to subjecting all things to their control. But, I will not say more until I know more.
As you can see, I have made extensive use of my time in Laketon to study these matters and I expect a second report to be ready soon. Your forbearance is requested.
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