The Story of the Modsogner

an Oral History regarding the Dwarves
according to the men of Northrun
as translated and Promulgated by E.T. Daniels

Hear you now the story of the Modsogner. It is the story of their fathers. It is the tribute of their children. Listen now to the story of the Modsogner.

Before the coming of Our Clans, the Modsogner lived in all the Heim and walked upon it to and fro upon it. In those days they were a noble Clan and able to lift the spear against their foes. But when Our Clans came to the Heim, the Modsogner had grown weary of living and had forgotten about the making of children. So it came to pass that the Modsogner had a Meet and the Jarl of Jarls sent the Lorespeakers to them, to learn in their Halls and to remember their songs. Then it was that the Modsogner taught Our Clans of the Law and the way of keeping it. And these Lawspeakers became witnesses of all that happened in the Clans and the Lorespeakers remember it well.

Now, in days before the coming of Our Clans, the Modsogner were like Jarls, rich in silver and great in the making of metals and all the Strangers feared them. But the Svartalf grew strong and jealous of the Modsogner. So, by the power of Magic and with the stink of guile they lifted the Spear against them and took the Heim which the Modsogner had earned. Yet Magic is treachery and so it betrayed the Svartalf and they too were attacked by the Narfe until few of both remained. So great was the dying from war that all who lived, mourned for so living.

Then came the Olvald riding on a great furred beast. He was sent ahead of the Clans to make peace in all the Heim which the Clans would inherit. Great Meets had he, but when the fires of those meets had burned low, the Strangers knew not peace so the Olvald slew many and lifted the Spear against any who opposed him.

The Narfe fought most against Olvald and they were slain and chained for their ferocity. And so the Wanderer changed them and made them into great Wurms so that all would know their nature, along with their sons, the sons of the sons and all who are yet to be born.

So it was that the Modsogner hid from the Wurms and from the Svartalfs and kept their peace until the coming of our Clans.

Heard you now the story of the Modsogner.

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