The Story of the Stone Axe
translated by E.T. Daniels
Hear now the story of Our Clans. It is the story of our fathers. It is the tribute of our children. Listen now to the story of Our Clans.
After the time of Armsgleme’s reign, when he had grown old and could no longer lift the stone axe that he took from he whose name is not remembered, the Jarl of Jarls called a Meet and summoned the Lawspeaker to hear it and the Lorespeaker to remember it.
“Watch now,” Armsgleme said, “and witness that I can no longer lift the Stone Axe which I earned with my spear. See how I have become weak of arm and my eyes are dim. Know then that Our Clans are strong and that there are many Strangers in this Heim who will take our women and make slaves of our sons. One of my Jarls must become the Jarl of Jarls in my place and must swing the Stone Axe.”
So the Lawspeakers and Lorespeakers listened and the Clans brought forth their Jarls and all such who were mighty. These they gathered before the bright light of the fire of the meet. And each of these took a knee before the Jarl of Jarls.
Then Armsgleme stood as one tired and said, “Our Clans must always have one who can swing the Stone Axe, though we have learned the secret of metal. The Stone Axe will become the ransom of the Jarl of Jarls. For it was by the Stone Axe that we learned the secret of building seabirds of wood. And it will be by the Stone Axe that he will show himself able to lead you to battle and to safety. By the Stone Axe he will be your Jarl of Jarls. He will be an arbiter of what seems right and what is not. By the Stone Axe he will tell you whatsoever he knows since he will hear the voices of the Wanderer and the Lady.”
“By the Stone Axe he will call the meets and hear the wisdom of the men and heed the lament of the women. By the Stone Axe he will show you who may rule. And all who swing the Stone Axe, will rule but little, so that all his words can be heard by a Lawspeaker and remembered by a Lorespeaker who shall remember all things. These words he shall carry to your sons, and their sons, and all who yet to be born.
So it was that the Lawspeaker held the Stone Axe above the head of each Jarl and strong man. So the cheers of all the meet did signify who should become Jarl of Jarls. This the Lawspeaker witnessed and this the Lorespeaker remembered. So the Axe became a prized thing, much more than many bands and rings of silver. For it showed who was Jarl of Jarls, and he swung it was seen to rule over all others.
Hear you now, the story of Our Clans.
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