The August Men of Byza, Midir and all Southrun

In the lands of Southrun the August Men are made up of the Sultans, Pashas, Deys and Beys. We have taken great pains to ascribe their station by their wealth and standing in among the great houses of Westrun.
  1. Azeel, Sultan of Byza
  2. Farouk, Sultan of Midir
  3. Pasha Abazzahab, Satrap of Sabaha
  4. Pasha Farha, Satrap of Istada
  5. Pasha Talib, Satrap of Waddah
  6. Pasha Obida, Satrap of Uthal
  7. Pasha Zarata, Satrap of Shaheef
  8. Pasha Nazeer, Satrap of Bylos
  9. Dey Numa, Satrap of Kuura
  10. Dey Barzooz Sefavi, Satrap of Dukhul
  11. Dey Shupar, Satrap of Ainte
  12. Dey Mirha
  13. Bey Asadel
  14. Bey Husayn
  15. Bey Bashir
  16. Bey Ghani
  17. Bey ibn Rashid
  18. Bey Jabbar

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