The Cadashrim

​The Cadashrim are those people recognized for having taken a specific temporary religious vow. While the word is specific to High Speech, it is known in every land and realm. 

The fact that the vow is universal indicates that it predates any of the known religions, and is perhaps one of the oldest rites or practices known. Some say its origin stretches back to the time of the Halfling Empire. 

The Cadashrim agree to bathe a dead body and keep it company until it is buried or otherwise disposed of. During the time that they serve, they will not speak nor abandon the dead. It is often considered a kind of atonement for misdeeds. In many places the Cadashrim are a kind of permanently staffed mortuary. In others, the assignment is taken on an ad hoc basis.

The vow is taken simply -- by disrobing, bathing, and then entering the place where the dead are kept with the intention to remove the body, clean it, and then guard it until its resting place is prepared. 

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