Magister Bucknard

Bucknard was a powerful human wizard, and former member of the Circle of 8. His name is a mispronunciation of Balakarde. He was described as affable, esteemed, talented and powerful, yet stubborn and headstrong. He had a twin sister named Maralee, who also was also a former member of the Circle of 8.

In 5056ey, Bucknard's sister and adventuring companion, Maralee, was slain. Bucknard never recovered from her untimely death. At the height of his power, Bucknard began deeply obsessing over ancient manuscripts relating to undeath. He grew increasingly secluded and paranoid, no longer confiding in his closest friends. He was convinced that the Dweomersecte had been infiltrated by a deep evil, but was seen by his fellow members as paranoid and delusional.

After abruptly resigning from the Circle of 8 in 5057ey he was never heard from again.

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