In the lands of Jenia, the savages that roam the steppes and ply the waves revere the Four Winds.
They believe these winds are the spirits of four mighty brothers, sons of the celestial King and deceased dragon lords allowed to live on for eternity. They witnessed the creation of the world. They are all that is left of a great host of celestial spirits.
Ao Shun, the White Steed is the North Wind and the Bringer of Winter. He is also called the Master of Water. His spirit flows from the towering glaciers and races South over the steppes bringing hundreds of meltwater streams to the lowlands that finally join as mighty rivers by the time they reach the sea.
Ao Jun, the Black Steed is the West Wind and the Bringer of Fall. Also known as the Master of Metal and the Spirit of Peace. He is said to ride out for all men at the end of their lives. His spirit rings out in the sounds of iron and steel brought from the Pillars of Heaven to the lands of warring men.
Ao Chin, the Red Steed is the South Wind and the Bringer of Summer. He is also called the Master of Fire and the Spirit of War. His spirit exhausts itself on the lowlands and brings great waves of heat ever North, drying the grass and making it susceptible to great fires across the grasslands.
Ao Kuang, the Green Steed is the East Wind and the Bringer of Spring. He is also known as the Master of Wood and the Spirit of Mischief and Fertility. His spirit brings both life giving rains and tempestuous storms that beat across the coasts and sweep far inland.
In the primitive cosmology of these barbarians, the spirits no longer have physical bodies, the Four Brothers can sometimes be summoned as mighty horses. Their avatars are able to exert influence from the edges of the World Here Below.
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