The Danja of Eastrun

In the Imperial cities, animals and beasts of burden are generally forbidden. For the sake of sanitation, people are forced to walk, but people of means are able to call upon the services of the Danja to litter goods and people from place to place.

The Danja litters, at their most basic, consist of a sling attached along their length to a pole frame. The frame is carried by porters in front and behind. Some of the most basic are carried by two porters, while Imperial Sedans have been known to require more than a dozen porters at a time.

Cargo is usually carried along by the most simple and lightest of litters, while those that have passengers may range from a simple lashed chair to a full fabric enclosure with multiple seats.  Some even boast lacquered wood walls. Each house takes great pride in their fleet of Danja and decorates them appropriate to their station and in keeping with their vexil.

The Danja porters are almost universally made up of the peasant class, though some entrepreneurs have made their way into the middle class by developing a network of porters and litters to serve merchants, travelers, pilgrims and visitors alike.

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