Compassionist Society of Wr. Jerebola

Jerebola was a half-elf curate and convert to the Church of Westrun who was an extremely popular miracle worker. She had the overwhelming support of the faithful, but little regard from its hierarchy. Her miracles and her long life made her a thorn to several different cardinal prefects over the span of almost a century. The effects of her life and teaching are still felt today..

She tried to steer the ecclesial hierarchy towards the greater inclusion of the demi-humans into human affairs. Those who opposed her found her too dedicated to the principles of nuetrality for their tastes and she was relegated to the existence of a simple hermit, which is how she lived out her natural life.

The Jerebolans are Canon scholars second only to the Cronosians in reknown, though they tend to view Canonical matters as allegorical and symbolic, which bothers the Cronosians to no end. Furthermore, they contend that the Church busies itself too much in the political affairs of the world and seek to keep the church transcendent of such matters.

Their symbol is a naked woman astride an elk.

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