The Kingdom of Treft

A Brief Geographical Treatment

by Bayburry of Peakshadow

Treft, one of the Eight Kingdoms, is a democracy. The City/State of Treft offers citizenship status to natural born citizens and to those people in its society who are invited to go through the proper rite. Citizens are easily separated from metics by use of the toga, the wearing of which by non-citizens is a crime punishable by death, or maiming and exile.

The government of Treft is exceedingly ponderous and considered arcane to people outside of its structure. Basically, it is run by dozens of committees who meet on various days at various times and who offer motions to the popular vote. Each citizen votes by way of a signet stone, which is graven with the image of their house and the declaration of their birth. In each house, the patriarch is entrusted with disbursing the stones and for voting for those who have not yet reached majority.

The First Citizen is chosen by populace who then represents Treft before the world and the High Throne in Peakshadow. Though he is considered a King to those outside of his Kingdom, by his own citizens he is regarded as the First Citizen.

The people of Treft are somewhat of an anomaly among the other Eight Kingdoms who do not understand the workings of their governing system. In truth it might be said that the vast numbers of the people of Treft do not fully understand it either. For most of them are metics and not part of the citizenry. But the actual citizens of Treft have a great deal of control, though their individual power is watered down.

Treft is considered the purse of the Eight Kingdoms. The King of the Realm is considerd the Lord of Coin and under his auspices, all of the silver coinage of the Eight Kingdoms is produced. These minting facilites are located in the Fortress of Diestamp. In addition to their mints, the people of Treft are widely known for the silversmiths and jewelers who work in silver.

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