The Twelfth Book of Bao Dan: The Manumission of the Hanim

I, Bao Dan, of the Hu Rang of the Venerable Emperor Jen Shu,

General of the White Bataro of One Thousand,
Abbot of the Temple of the Eternal Spring Wind,
Slayer of Oni and of Kala and of Bosu without number,
Friend of the Shen and Korobokuru and the Shao San,

Teacher of the Monkey and of the Tiger and of the Dragon,
and Disciple of the Way of Order

write this with my own hand in the script I learned from the slave woman of Southrun who was a gift to me in the Year of the Centipede.

As my final and parting act, I offer her the freedom she most desires and bid her safe conduct as proven by this letter in all places from Pillars of Heaven across the Wide Land, from the Northern Rift to the Southern Seas, and among all the People anywhere, who live according to the Way of Order or who have respect for the same.

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