The Brother Dragons are all that is left from ages past.
For many centuries the Sunset Lands all knew dominion under the Dragon Empress and her Warlords. The most noble of these were of the family Ao. Now Fuqin Ao had four sons. These were not hated as the others and neither were they feared except in the execution of justice and then only in the mind of those who sought evil.
So when the Dragon Empress was recalled to Ti'en, the Ao Dragons remained and pledged to serve with their very breath whomever might be given the Mandate of Heaven. Nevertheless, the Huang Spirits would not allow the Dragons to settle in the Wide Lands and drew their boundaries at the Seas which surround all Erenth here below.
Hence Ao Chin, became the animator of the South Wind; Ao Kuang, gave his breath to the East Wind; Ao Jun, enlivened the West Wind; and Ao Shun, stirred the North Wind to movement. In the breath of the Four Winds, the Brother Dragons try to guide the actions men in Erenth here below, but do not control them as their sires had in the past. For now is the time of men and the Mandate of Heaven is theirs.
The Four Brothers are known thus: The North Wind is the wind of winter snows; the South wind is the wind of Summer and the wind of wars; the East Wind is the wind of Spring, of chaos and of mischief; the West wind is mild and calm, the wind of Autumn and peace. The winds blow as wisdom to those open enough to receive it. The winds blow as warnings to those careful enough to feel them.
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