In this manner, the Golden Tribe learned to forge metal using Kohl stones for heat and also the secret of turning soft iron into hardened steel. For the art of steel had been lost for many years. And armed with this knowledge there were none who could withstand the Golden Tribe. Not even the men of the Great Wang Tihora which hid behind walls of stone and sent great volleys from them to cover their infantry. The soldiers of Tihora had also tamed the margons and set upon them gergs of wood from which arrows could be fired and the sound of them was like thunder.
Even so, the generals of Jen Shu had continued conquest in his absence. So that his name and the Bataro of the Golden Tribe were more greatly feared than ever.
In the Summer of the last year of the Ox, the Golden Tribe had eliminated 31 tribes from the Sea of Grass and none remember their names. The Bataro numbered 26,000 men and 28,000 horse. The Ordaru had 19,200 women. From then on the Golden Tribe carried the tarred heads of:
Hako the OniHyun Shik of the Red Stone PeopleKang Shin of the Spotted HorseChun Mul of the Red Tribe, slayer of a GakiArog the Claw HandKo the HornedMarhen Gozu GakiWunk Blue-SkinGrothmak the Andari SlayerJin Huk of the White TribeSungyu the Noble of the Great Grass PeopleShun the Horseman of the ValleyYuudai the Wealthy of the Bamboo PeopleTaiki the Tall and his son Taikishi of the Yellow RiverMonad of the Bush PeopleHagga the Kala of the CavesShurga the Kala of the Earth
So Jen Shu left the valleys of plenty and journeyed farther to the East where the great walls of Tihora stood and his armies were said to be as strong as the gods.
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