The Story of the Greathearth and the Jarl of Jarls

The Story of the Greathearth and Jarl of Jarls
translated by E.T. Daniels

Hear now the story of Our Clans. It is the story of our fathers and it is the tribute of our children. Listen now to the story of Our Clans.

When Our Clans came from Aldheim, we found a place of many trees and the ground was hard and could not be tilled. Now, no Strangers had yet come to meet them in those days and Our Clans knew them not. So the Jarls purposed to move south in search of fields to till and of great furred beasts to hunt. But some of Our Clans stopped and would not be moved from the shores of the sea until they had made the Jarl of Jarls.

In that day there was a man named Armsgleme, who was a great warrior and Jarl. He was strong of arm and heart and there was much cunning in him. He lifted a spear against many foes and kept The Stone Axe among Our Clan and so he was loved of all.

“Armsgleme live forever!” Our Clans shouted. “Lead us to battle and to safety. Be Our Jarl of Jarls. Be an arbiter of what seems right and what is not. For surely you have found favor with the Wanderer and the Lady. Surely they speak into your ears. So tell us now, the words that they whisper to you, since we are so far from their Hall and they visit us not.”

So Armsgleme thought long and at last relented. “I shall be a Jarl of Jarls to you, but first call a Meet and find for yourself a Lorespeaker who might remember the words you and I have spoken and those we will speak in the future and so hold all of us to all of them. I will indeed lead you to battle and to safety. I will be your Jarl of Jarls. I will be an arbiter of what seems right and what is not. I will tell you whatsoever I know since we are so far from the Wanderer and the Glorious Lady.”

So then a Hearth was made and the stones of it reached twice the height of the tallest man. A great fire was kindled therein and a Meet was called. Then stood one who was called Skald and he remembered stories that others had forgotten. He stood as Lorespeaker and listened to the plea of Our Clans and the promise of the Jarl of Jarls.

But there were those who would not swear such an oath. Neither would they leave from Greathearth. Unto Armsgleme that Clan said, “We would stay here and live on the shores of this sea, rather than to know a Jarl above all Jarls. We shall keep the old ways of Our Clans. We will make Meets and each will listen in turn and do what he feels is right. Each man shall remember how he has decided.”

So the Meet was ended and Armsgleme said, “Your decision has not harmed mine, neither does mine prevent yours.” That Clan agreed and made the sign of peace and swore that the will of the Wanderer should protect them both.

So Our Clans left Greathearth and continued south to the Heim, but the Clan of Greathearth remained and became fishermen and settlers upon the rocks of that area, for their necks were stiff and would not be bowed before a Jarl of Jarls, no matter what. To this day many of them travel in Seabirds of Wood and make war upon the seas, while others seek to trade with Our Clans.

Heard you now, the story of Our Clans.

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