a brief list by Tobor Walenrut
The following list of words shows the word roots and their meanings that are most often used by Dwarfin People in the naming of their children. Over the years I have found many apparent synonyms in use by the Dwarf, which would seem to contravene the general wisdom concerning this folk's love of economy of expression. Nonetheless, it must be noted that the Dwarf sees quite a bit of difference between a peak and a mountain top, or between a hole and a pit. So strictly speaking, these are not mere synonyms but distinct words with appropriate connotative and constructive differences.
It would be difficult for me to promulgate all of the words which have come to be used by these noble peoples for their personal and family names. However, I have listed some of the most common roots which help make the names of those who have had the most interactions with the Kingdoms of Man. Using this list, a name can be constructed or de-constructed as the scholar has need. That said, no hard convention exists for the order of precedence given to the roots. So, for example, the Dwarfin Lord Karmalk is translated "Red Beard" and so is his first cousin Lord "Beard, Red", though he styles his name Malkkar.
Alar (spirit)
Auth (people)
Bal (bare)
Ban (ingot; first worked metal)
Bar (blue)
Crag (mud)
Dak (peak)
Dal (bright)
Dan (hand)
Dar (shaft -- shored and secured)
Del (primary)
Der (watch)
Dhig (labor)
Din (vein)
Duer (angry)
Dum (carved cave; to delve)
Dun (home/hearth)
Dur (deep)
Dwen (raw stone)
Ega (eternal)
Ent (root)
Fes (cold)
Gar (streaked)
Girn (gold)
Gol (strong)
Gre (rust)
Hak (hall)
Hil (miner)
Im (the inside of a person or soul)
Im (the inside of a person or soul)
In (the inside of a natural cave or hidden chamber)
Kar (red)
Kor (chisel)
Kyr (lonely; alone)
Malb (ornament/decorative)
Malk (beard)
Mbir (platinum)
Meg (dark)
Min (hill)
Mir (mountain)
Mith (light)
Mol (abandoned)
Mor (bare, brief, scarce)
Mora (rich, abundant)
Nahr (hammer)
Nil (mine, multiple shafts)
Nir (born of; sons of, proceeds from)
Nol (lord; baron)
Nug (snow)
Ont (raw ore)
Oro (silver)
Ral (second worked or finished metal)
Regn (king)
Ri (poison)
Ro (evil)
Sahr (axe)
Thic (brittle, as in stone)
Thir (building, as with stone)
Thom (tunnel, finished, as in stone)
Thur (sculpting, as with stone)
Thur (sculpting, as with stone)
Tog (wind)
Ur (black)
Us (night)
Wahr (battle)
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