The Gnummoren Epic Part 6

as set forth in the Caver Enscriptions 
and translated by Proval Gemglitter

After the Hunters came the Wurem. They were the children of a brother of Grimgoren, though this brother's name is not still known. It has been lost to the ages of time, as has his children who fought all others until their own extinction. This is called the Third of Wars which is sometimes called the War of Four Nations, but the Lod did not take part and would not equip those who sought them.

After the Vyrum came the Big Folk who are said to be some offspring of the Entwe and the fauna that live among their trees. They also have brought only war and desolation. They also are given to brutality and conquest and strength of arm, but have no mind for either contraptions or new knowledge. They persist to this day and have spread through their own fecundity alone.

Ernst Graetkin and the War of Justice
After many long years had passed, the Lod found a great leader in the person of Ernst Graetkin who united the many Hearths of the people and sought to once again become the Master Worker of Erenth. His knowledge of the Gonom was great and knew they were in sorrow for the condition of the world. So he sought the wild children of the Gonom as allies and made the new tongue which both we and they now speak, called graetish.

With great contraptions and much strategem the Lod rose up alongside the children of the Gonom and sought to make a better world, free from the evil and neglect of the others. But the War of Justice was not successful for the Entertainers and the Laborers joined forces and their guile could not be matched. Ernst was slain astride of Gothigor the Giant and so the forces of right and justice were defeated. And the taste of that is bitter indeed so our people wait until the Dawn of the Age of Redemption when all things will be made right.

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