Imperial City of Shu

Shu is located in the Land of Eastrun.

The final city/state founded by Venerable Jen Shu as it is written in the holy book of Bao Dan. It was named for his second consort and mother of sixteen children. The largest and grandest of the three Eastrun cities, it was built on the ruins of a great seafaring culture which would not bow before the Golden Tribe or its Khan. Thus dispossessed of their land the Haykana became known as gypsies of the Sea, the Hayao.

Shu boasts an impressive network of irrigation canals and breeding ponds from which its residents draw its staples and chief exports. Carp, turtles, squid, and shrimp supplement join the agricultural offerings of wheat, millet, sorghum, and beans along with cucumbers, oranges, lemons, peaches and apricots. Almost all dishes in Shu contain noodles which is as common as bread is in the Kingdoms of Westrun.

Its Emperess Dowager is Mai Nhu Ong.

Its Emperor is Tan Ong VI, a boy of ten.

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