The Five Epochs of the Vyrum (Introduction)

Five Epochs of the Vyrum
as kept and recorded by Tersia, student of history

After the end of the Fifth Age, after the Elves receded from the plains and became scarce upon Erenth; after Baere the Green caused her children to rise and fall yet again; so it was that the Crown of Creation went unworn and the throne of Erenth was left vacant. In that day, Lord Drasch was called upon to fill the void and so the rule of all places passed to his children, the Vyrum. Thus was born the Sixth Age.

The Vyrum were a noble race of surpassing beauty. They were both strong of arm and sharp of mind. There were many Nestins of their people, as they termed their houses in those days. Each Nestin eventually belonged to its Queen Mother and then power passed from eldest daughter to eldest daughter in an unbroken line.

Drasch intended his children to lead Erenth to greatness, but like all the people before them, they were cursed by a fatal flaw. So that in time, through treachery, violence, and blasphemous taboos, the Vyrum fell from grace and were cursed by their Lord. Then, in his wrath, Drasch cursed them. Thus the Vyrum became creatures who would never be trusted again.

The Five Epochs of the Vyrum retells the foundations and failings of a powerful matriarchal society, the great civil war that enveloped it, and the eventual disappearance of that civilization.

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