The Children of the Aenire had also come into Erenth in latter days and chief among them was the Urok. Now the Urok loved war most of all and they felt the pride and passion of Agellas their maker. He rewarded them with knowledge and with strength. But with these things they brought strife and discord that was greater than any of the other Children of the Aenire could endure. So it was that all called out to the Ere All, saying, "Deliver us from the Urok!"
Hearing their cries, the Ere All bid that Baere should waken those who had fallen asleep, that they might bring justice to Erenth. But few of the sleepers would be roused and those that did were filled with unreasoned fury, so that winds roared and hail fell across all the lands. Baere feared for Erenth and the safety of those who were innocent and bid them sleep again.
But in the storm they made, there was one who woke and heeded her call: Annam was his name. Together they coaxed lightning down onto graven stone and thus brought forth the Yotun from the mountainside. And Annam spent himself utterly in that effort, for he was greatly aged by the task. But Baere was not aged, for the gift of the Ere All had been that time would not touch her.
Now the Yotun were tall with dark blue hair and silver eyes and skin of violet. Born of the storm they would send lightning upon their foes, control the winds that blew; and bear themselves along on currents of air. Powerful they were, justice they did bring, and ten thousand were their number. The Urok fled from the Wrath of the Aenirasa scaling mountains to escape their doom. None of the Urok would have survived, except for the pleas of Baere, who quieted the storms and stayed the hands of the Jotun at the last.
But in the storm they made, there was one who woke and heeded her call: Annam was his name. Together they coaxed lightning down onto graven stone and thus brought forth the Yotun from the mountainside. And Annam spent himself utterly in that effort, for he was greatly aged by the task. But Baere was not aged, for the gift of the Ere All had been that time would not touch her.
Now the Yotun were tall with dark blue hair and silver eyes and skin of violet. Born of the storm they would send lightning upon their foes, control the winds that blew; and bear themselves along on currents of air. Powerful they were, justice they did bring, and ten thousand were their number. The Urok fled from the Wrath of the Aenirasa scaling mountains to escape their doom. None of the Urok would have survived, except for the pleas of Baere, who quieted the storms and stayed the hands of the Jotun at the last.
The scene of the last battle remains scarred to this day and many have called it the Accursed Place. Though Baere sought to bring foilage and greenery there at battles end; the ground there was ruined and dry with whole mountains torn in twain. Not even her power could bring forth greenery, except by staying. For whenever she departed, all began to wither and die once more. But few the Urok were and many long years it would be before their voices would be heard again.
Now the Urok were the Children of Agellas their maker. He had brought them forth and had stoked in them the passions to which he himself was slave. And his power was no match for the Aenirasa in concert. So he blamed the Yotun of the Storm for the undoing of the Urok.
Few of the Yotun were left and they retreated to high places, and to other places beneath the seas. More than anything, they sought to rest and to find their place upon Erenth. But Agellas followed them and became as one of them, calling himself Karon and twisting them and their children by many machinations. In time he would lead them to revolt and war, and make them foolish by the spreading of lies. With each generation the strength of the Yotun was slowly spent, so that only giants remained. Some good and some evil, some even the allies of the Urok in time.
Now the Urok were the Children of Agellas their maker. He had brought them forth and had stoked in them the passions to which he himself was slave. And his power was no match for the Aenirasa in concert. So he blamed the Yotun of the Storm for the undoing of the Urok.
Few of the Yotun were left and they retreated to high places, and to other places beneath the seas. More than anything, they sought to rest and to find their place upon Erenth. But Agellas followed them and became as one of them, calling himself Karon and twisting them and their children by many machinations. In time he would lead them to revolt and war, and make them foolish by the spreading of lies. With each generation the strength of the Yotun was slowly spent, so that only giants remained. Some good and some evil, some even the allies of the Urok in time.
For most of an Age, the world knew peace for Agellas was not there to unmake it. Too busy was he among the Giants, twisting and turning and having his revenge.
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