Baere and the Departed

Long ago, when the world was still cooling, the Creator of all things showed it to his servants, the Aenire, in their celestial city. Some of these grew enamored of Erenth and sought to dwell upon it. But in as much as they did so, the Creator warned, they would become subject to its forces. They would age and be changed. Their knowledge and their power would diminish and the celestial city of Solenth they had known would become a distant and discarded memory.

But still these few Aenire longed to leave their first estate and live upon the face of the world that had been created. So in subterfuge some left Solenth and crept down to join themselves to the new creation. And when they were noticed gone, still others raged calling them the Departed and themselves the true servants. Then great efforts were made by they to bring the Departed back so as not to despoil Erenth. 

But the Departed would not return and war was joined between them and the rest of the Aenire. And it was this war which wounded the face of the world most, tearing mountains asunder and uprooting whole forests. Until at last, the Creator himself intervened saying, "Let those who wish to remain on Erenth surrender their estate in peace. Let those who wish to be of the Celestial City remain there. For I plan a great work to complete and this conflict must not interfere." Then he expounded greatly upon his work and those hearing felt shame. So many of the Aenire repented of their anger and returned from whence they came. But some joined the Departed and remained upon the face of the world and these were called the Aenirasa, ever after. For they had come out from the Aenire.

In time the words of the Creator were shown true. The knowledge of the Aenirasa did diminish, as did their power. And many became rooted to the spots that they found and joined themselves to the very face of Erenth, imbuing it with their power. Still others wandered and became beings of great renown. The longer they lived, the more they forgot of their ancient estate. Some indeed became abased as the servants of the Creator had feared, but most simply slept and having no bodies they were forgotten.

Then came the Creator to Baere one of his Departed servants from Solenth, who had gone but returned when the war was over. He said, "Wouldst thou not join thyself to my creation, Erenth? For I see the longing within you."

"I did so long," Baere admitted, "But my place is in Solenth, and here I will await the revelation of the master work of which you promised. For I know that the world I have seen does not compare to the world I will know when your work is complete."

"It is well," said the Creator, "Only go now with my decree and a body which I shall give you. Heal this world which has been wounded by the battle of my foolish servants. And though you will be of this Erenth, unto you I shall give the gift to escape the ravages of time; and the joy to witness first hand my master work."  

So it was that Baere walked to and fro across Erenth. Wherever she foot flowers bloomed and trees grew. The hurts of the world were healed, and some became as scars, but all she draped with the foilage and fountains that her power could provide. And Baere herself did not age, for she had the gift of the Creator, which preserved her from time's passage, as if she had never left Solenth of the Aenire.

Now Baere was the greatest and most powerful of the Aenirasa, but Aenirasa she was, for she came out from the Aenire. Ever she roams now, still untouched by the ravages of time, and the delight of her being is in the master work of the Creator.

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