The Sovrans: A history

The Sovrans are the set of universal moral codes of Erenth. They make up the oldest taboos and customs known to the various peoples throughout all ages. While not necessarily written, they are nonetheless very well known and are appealed to by every culture in every Land. They are the common law basis of known law codes.

It is believed that they are what remains of the laws enacted in the Second Age. For that reason they are sometimes called the Holblaw, or Hoflaw. If it is not true, Halfling scholars do little to dissuade this belief. 

There are seven Sovrans known to the civilized people of Erenth. Two of them are positive assertions, while five are negative. Causing one of the Sovrans to be violated can merit a death penalty in many places, but most punishment is left for gods to impose. The prudent tend to keep out of a violators way, lest a stray lightning bolt intended for the malefactor strike them, as well.

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