The Holy Men of Erenth: The Curates

The Hierophant Priests (sometimes called Druids or Curates) will wear vestments depending on their rank. Initiates will be given the first of these vestments, a simple square white cloak called a mantle which is neither tailored nor fitted, but simply draped over his head when performing his devotions. 

It is never cleaned nor can it be replaced before its appointed time. This mantle is usually well-stained and gray by the time he becomes a Keeper. It is kept until then as a sign of his devotion to neutrality and also the difficulty in maintaining it. 

When a Keeper is elevated, he takes a new white mantle to wear and burns the old upon a ceremonial fire. Thereafter he also carries a living wreath on his brow or living sprigs plaited in his hair or beard. These plants will typically be meadowsweet or holly.

As a Protector he carries a stave of living ash or acacia wood. This is used when performing his faculties and rites. It is a sign of his office and is readily recognizable by the buds or tendrils upon it. 

A Guardian is said to have earned his horns and will be found with the horns of a ram, stag or bovine. The donor beast will never be slain for this purpose, but may give them up voluntarily to the Druid or Curate who aids him in some way.

All the Hierophants above the level of Guardian will be barefoot in all seasons.

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