Agronar the Pacifier of Goblins

Agronar was a noted general of Marten the Good who was High King of Westrun from 4850-4901ey.

Agronar was first knighted at the Battle of Five Chieftains in 4875ey during the Northrun campaign and given command of the Steel Fist Company which was redeployed to the Westrun Marches. There he negotiated good relations with the Fraternity and is said to have worn the Green Cloak among them for the space of ten years. After pressing the goblin hordes to the sea in the North, he was placed in command of the Stalwart Legion and sent to reinforce the armies of Treft.

While in Treft, he defeated the orc chieftain of Rakag and greatly diminished the orcs of Dynkyr. Then he exceeded his orders and took his legion into Balduren itself, placing them at the disposal of the Marks Marshall of that kingdom, winning considerable good will and bringing Balduren more fully into the Eight Kingdoms Pact. When the hordes were again pressed to the sea, he founded Harmony to tie the forces of Collonia and Balduren together. 

After several years in Harmony, Agronar took his legion directly into the Goblin Kingdoms. Once there, he won wars against several horde chieftains and lost three Captains that had been with him since his knighting in Northrun. He defeated Gruumsh One-eye, god-king of the Orcs in single combat, and then founded the Hall of Splendor on that field of battle. 

Agronar remained in the Goblin Kingdoms prosecuting every gathering of orc and goblin which was large enough to earn his notice. In 4901ey, he was recalled to Peakshadow upon the death of Marten the Good. 

After swearing fealty to the new king, Favian III, he was named the Chancellor General of Westrun, but absconded from Peakshadow in the middle of the night. He returned to his legions in the South and traversed the entirety of the Goblin Kingdoms, coming eventually to the Satrapcies of Southrun. There he disbanded his legions, and entered semi-retirement, keeping only the Steel Fist Company under his command. 

He was later summoned to service by Favian III and sent to prosecute the so-called "Debtor's War" in the Pincipalities of Vyruma Serpentis. After conquering all of the white and black princes, he renamed the Free Provinces and extracted allegiance to the High Throne from their new barons. 

At the end of the "Debtor's War" he was recalled to Peakshadow to renew his oath of fealty to High King Favian, but disappeared at sea and was never seen again.

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