Hrafa, Tarn and Darkling Riders

The Hrafa are the giant ravens of Erenth. They are large creatures with a 6-10 foot wingspan, jet black feathers, thick pointed bills and diamond-shaped tails. They are exceedingly intelligent animals, even for birds or corvids. They have been known to have vocabularies exceeding 1500 words. Tamed hrafa are most often taught Graetish from the time they are captured fledglings; but their wild cousins will pick up the language of the nearest habitation.

Like all birds, the hrafa can fly, soar and ride on thermals, but the hrafa is also capable of two techniques not seen in any other bird species, save their smaller corvid cousins. The hrafa will pass items from claw to claw or from claw to beak without landing. This technique is especially used in their great pastime -- the orinitsa. The hrafa can also fold its wings, roll over and dive, causing a sudden loss of altitude in mid flight.

The Orinitsa is a game of chase in which one hrafa at a time will take possession of a given object while the others pursue and attempt to have him relinquish his prize. The will usually play this game over the water of a coastal region and seldom in view of others. The Orinitsa is not the only way the hrafa play. They have been know to play pranks, steal and hide things, and even tell simple, if nonsensical jokes that only they find funny.

The hrafa use combat to resolve disputes among each other. For these battles they never use their beak, preferring instead to hit one another with wing buffets, while using profanity.

The typical hrafa will live 50-60 years, have only one mate and live in an extended family group called the Hrafathi.

Hrafa that are tamed and used by Gnomish jockeys are called Tarn. As steeds they are used both as air patrol and as messengers. These jockeys, known as Darkling Riders, are airborne warriors of unparalleled skill and precision. They navigate the skies astride their tamed steeds, executing daring maneuvers and swift aerial assaults. Clad in leather jackets, Darkling Riders are distinguished by their keen senses and lightning-fast reflexes, essential for swift responses in combat scenarios and tactical maneuvers across Erenth's expansive skies. 

Their bond with their Hrafa mounts is inseparable, and built on unshakeable trust, enabling them to coordinate seamlessly. The Riders are famed for their dedication and bravery, if somewhat daring and risk-taking natures.

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