Temple of the Setting Sun

The Temple of the Setting Sun is located in Miyabe. It is a seven story flat-topped stone pyramid with a steep stair to the top. That top is a practice green upon which one hundred students can be seen practicing their arts at dawn. At the fifth story is a dark cavernous opening flanked on either side by graven statues of Jen Shu and Bao Dan the disciple. Only monks are allowed entry into the temple.

The monks of this school are known for their martial prowess but also for what seems to be an utter lack of emotion, and an almost fanatical search for knowledge and wisdom. The dye used by the Temple for their robes is a deep blue, almost purple color.

The monks view regulation and discipline as the proper course between good and evil. They believe that the ultimate hope of the world rests upon a well-ordered approach to life and that things like good and evil are nothing more than unspent desires at either end of a meaningless spectrum. Bao Dan understood that a  prosperous kingdom was possible because of the Way of Order, not because of what that Way taught specifically, but only because it was a rule. Adopting and maintaining rules is the best emulation of Bao Dan.

A peculiarity of this order, and others like it, is their commitment to peace and diplomacy. They are frequently called upon to arbiter disputes between nobles and even Emperors. They have become diplomats of the highest order and are well-respected across all of Eastrun.

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