The Princes of Erenes VII: The Contest of Heimos and Ris

In due time, Ris came to Westrun and settled there among the people, then Heimos came after. And the two quarreled for the company of Kels who had put aside by Lamon. For Ris desired that she accompany him wherever he roamed, but Heimos desired her since the dance she had made for him. 

A great feud grew between the Princes until they lashed out in their fury. The fields burned with their anger and entire forests were swept away. Hills were flattened and mountains were brought low. The people of Westrun were frightened and begged the Princes to refrain from their battle, but they did not relent. Finally, Kels intervened between the Princes and beguiled them from their anger. With a drum in one hand and fire in the other, she charmed them and promised them. 

If the battles would cease, Kels promised, Ris could remain on one side of the sea and Heimos on the other. And as for the water between them, it would belong to Kels herself and above its waves she would dance in full sight of both of them. So the great pact was struck and in return for the Peace of the Gods, the people honored Kels with a great procession and a spectacle at its end, which is repeated every year during the Festal season. 

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