The Princes of Erenes V: The Wandering of Lamon

After taking his leave of Heimos and putting aside his wife, Lamon went into the Land of Northrun and there became known by the strength of his own hand. He became a great chieftain and a chief among all the chieftains. His ships numbered in the hundreds and his war parties numbered in the tens of thousands and his Hall was the greatest among all of the clans. He won battles beyond counting and made raids without number. Lamon the Mighty the Northruners called him, and Black Death besides.

But the people of the North were stubborn and received him not as a prince of Erenes, nor did they consider him a god.

"We know only the Creator and the Glorious Lady," they said, "For we are taught by people of old and we would revere no other, even to the point of death."

So Lamon left aside his ships and war parties and Hall. Out into the countryside he went as a wanderer, seeking the Creator and the Glorious Lady of whom it was spoken. Into every Land he went, chasing the gods of humans and inhumans alike, until he returned to his Hall and found it roofless and windswept. 

In despair, Lamon burned it and his ships, renouncing all his deity, wealth and fame, and became a hermit. He lives still, it is said, wandering from place to place in search of a goddess of the Northrun people, and granting boons to those who are wise enough to recognize him and circumspect enough to keep his secret.

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