The Colossus of Berronar

On the East edge of the sea, the Colossus of Berronar stands watch over the waves. The origin of this monument is unknown and while many have given credit to Lamon the Wanderer, that fable peddled by the Grand Temple of the Ten Divines is most assuredly incorrect.

Some hold that the construct was wrought by artisans during the 6th Age, but the most reputable sages agree that it is older than that. 
Such an argument is not without paradox however, as that means the work would have to belong to a simultaneously more primitive, but more skilled civilization. Also, the 5th Age is not known for any works in stone aside from the rare stela found in forested regions.

The 4th Age is sometimes credited and the site is easily identified as the Dun Berronar spoken of in the Hamurum chronicles. However, a scholar of no less reputation than Thorvir asserts that the histories of the Stoneborn indicate that the colossus was there before Dumathoin became Regn. If Thorvir is correct, then the work is no fewer than 5800 years old, and yet it shows suprisingly little degradation.

The seafarers maintain that the work was done by Algorn after the titan imprisoned the kraken.

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