The First Book of Compiled Appendments of the Eight Kingdoms Pact (Appendments 1-10)

Appendment the First
The congress of sovereigns shall be impaneled whenever a dispute, doubt, or a difficult case, whether of peace or war, comes up between the princes [later copies show Kings] and that case shall be drawn up in writing and read in full; and shall be treated of and disputed there among the peers of that body. If it be necessary, it shall be personally enjoined by the princes [later copies show Kings], or on the part of the princes [later copies show Kings] if they be not present.

Appendment the Second
As the peace of the Prince among princes [later copies show High King] depends on maintaining a place of congress free of danger, there shall be roads established as the swiftest and surest route from each of the eight principalities to the fortress in the shadow of the peak of Oromir. While upon these routes, all princes [later copies show Kings]  and envoys and their men and their effects shall be held as sacred and inviolable and therefore subject to the same protections as the fortress itself.

Appendment the Third
As necessity dictates, the fortress at Peakshadow shall be permitted to grow and its protections will apply to all buildings and lands enclosed by its wall and contiguous to the original gift of the halfmen of Oromir as a gift to the Eight Kingdoms of Westrun.

Appendment the Fourth
In all cases where a King has not established an heir, it shall fall to the Prince among princes [later copies show High King] to convene a congress of the lands nobles, and establish the line of succession. Notwithstanding, the Prince among princes [later copies show High King] shall not tend an opinion unless it be necessary to settle a dispute between otherwise equal factions.

Appendment the Fifth
As the highways of the Prince among princes [later copies show High King] enjoy the protection of that throne, so shall they be maintained by that throne, who shall levy only those taxes necessary to see to their upkeep and protections, and only in equal proportion to each of the Eight Kingdoms.

Appendment the Sixth
In all cases of dispute and controversy between the borders of the Eight Kings, a congress shall not be called, but the High King shall serve as the arbiter, following the advise and consent of the white beards from the fairy people and the halfmen.

Appendment the Seventh
That the eight peoples: the Saks, the Boldish, the Menes, the Rathor, the Collo, the Talireans, the Treftese, and the Marchmen be known as the loyal subjects of the Kingdoms of Saklan, Bolden, Menea, Rath, Collonia, Talir, Treft and Balduren. Forevermore, that their princes be styled as King and that the Prince among princes be styled as High King of Westrun.

Appendment the Eighth
That to the role of the High King shall be added Protector of the Faith of the Divines and their Grand Temple, which shall be located in Peakshadow for all time.

Appendment the Ninth
That in addition to the borders of Peakshadow and the High Kings Highway, there shall be erected two walls, one each on the Northern and Southern border, whose upkeep shall be paid for by a tax upon the Eight Kingdoms, save that neither Balduren, nor its King shall pay for upkeep upon the Southern wall.

Appendment the Tenth
That the High King in Peakshadow shall host no fewer than three men at court for each of the Eight Kingdoms, and that those three shall be selected by each King and will be charged with keeping the High King's confidence and must be trained in law, religion, or the arcane arts to be qualified, and shall serve upon the congress of sovereigns when impaneled and when not attended by their king.

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