I write this treatment in defiance of Sage Tobor’s dissertation, which was colored by his overreliance on religious sentiment and prejudices which ought be long dead.
Tobor concluded that the only direct offshoot of Highspeech was Fellspeech, due in part to his lack of worldliness and his strict adherence to verbiage used in The Canons. This misunderstanding of the known languages led to certain oversights.
Tobor concluded that the only direct offshoot of Highspeech was Fellspeech, due in part to his lack of worldliness and his strict adherence to verbiage used in The Canons. This misunderstanding of the known languages led to certain oversights.
One, the goblinkind and other descendants of the Urok speak a language called “Urkine”. It’s similarity to Fellspeech allows them to understand scholars that mistook it for its distant relative. It is quite possible that this literal language gap has caused more conflict between the species than either intended. Imagine, if you will, Westruners only communicating with Northruners using the thousands year dead tongue of the Sudmen.
Two, Sage Tobor and his contemporaries did academic gymnastics suggesting the Beast Languages are offspring of Druish. Not understanding how they could be identical in morphology and syntax, Tobor et al surmised that the (then unstudied) secret language of the Druids must be the root. I have found evidence to the contrary.
I have assert that the long-suspected Newspeech is real -- a base language which is the root of the languages of the natural world, and also of Druish. It contains only rudiments of communication such as might be communicated with the words self, other, mate, offspring, predator, prey, food, water and lair; combined with the action words for hunt, hide, challenge, fight, flight, posture, retreat, consume, reproduce.
Much akin to the misunderstanding of the Beast Languages, the languages of man have been distinctly muddied. Glyptic cannot be the root language of men because the Barasin empire predates human study of the Highspeech. They were well into their golden age when the Church of Westrun was founded and Highspeech was dissected into what the clergy refer to as Glyptic.
While Common and Provincial share common words with Clannic, we find ourselves posed with another version of the "Druish" error. The languages of the four lands all share similar structure because they are based on the language of the first true human civilization. This is most evident in Barasin proverbs and their relation to turns of phrase in each dialect.
My final point of contention is his ignorance of the obvious relation between Elfish and Dwarvish. It is clear that Tobor’s affinity for Elven wine and women clouded his judgement in creating the lineage of the Sire Languages. Dwarvish and Elfish are so closely related that there are Elven songs with double entendre between them. To suggest that Dwarvish is not the direct progenitor of Elvish is either showing poor education or willful ignorance.
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